Thursday, 31 October 2013

What Happened?

Appologies to those who haven't heard, but I've been in hospital for the last week. I was very ill with a severe case of tonsillitis, and the doctors have taken a while to start to get ahead of the infection. I am, very slowly getting better., but I'm still unwell, I would say on average, I sleep for 10 hours a day. But over the next little while, I shall share this tale of woe with you all. I hope to write something tomorrow, but I will see how I, I think tomorrow is day 100 post transplant. But then again, I'm not cognitively awar enoughh to make  that judgment. We shall see.


  1. oh rats! will be thinking about you and hope the tonsilitis is soon history. much love from Irene x

  2. thinking of you and hoping and praying you get some energy back love Liz


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